
What about our Fabrication Ideas?

We are an experienced exhibition stand & event contractor.

Our passion is to design & create, quality from the initial consultation through to installation.


We take care of everything needed to make your stand a reality, from production, pre-show preparation,
delivery, on-site build & post show dismantle.

In-house production & operational services

Pre build & on-site build

Installation & dismantle crew

Storage exhibition asset management

On-site exhibition services


We know better than anyone that organising events & exhibitions can be a stressful experience.

That’s why we offer full exhibition & event management from beginning to end.

Full in-house project management

Booking & overseeing show services

Health & safety & risk assessment


Technology allows us to take exceptional stand design to the next level, pushing the boundaries of engagement
& increasing return on investment.

On stand engagement design & content development

Augmented reality

Customer data collection

Heatmap measurement (visitor movement)


In-house production operational services include
Installation dismantle crew
Pre build on-site build
Storage exhibition asset management
On-site exhibition services
Full in-house project management
Booking overseeing show services
Health, safety & risk assessment
On stand engagement design content development
Augmented reality
Customer data collection
Heatmap measurement (visitor movement)
Online marketing (pre post event)

Have a Project on mind?

We can help you bring your ideas to life. Be one jump ahead of the competition.

Together let us build a flourishing business

We provide unique range of fully integrated services across the Middle East & Africa regions.
Our business approach is straight forward.
We listen to your needs, create and deliver appropriate and measurable solutions, whilst building a long-term relationship with you.
At the heart of our company are our people, a mix of creative, technical & support staff with extensive experience of producing exceptional projects.